Cosmederma | Leading the way in skincare Partner with us for excellence in franchise opportunities and third-party manufacturing solutions

The serum is specifically suited to skin and hair task because it is made up of smaller molecules that can penetrate deeply into the skin and deliver a very high concentration of active ingredients. This makes them a great tool for targeting specific skincare concerns, like wrinkles. Aging skin etc.  Serums are not new in the market, but it gets popularity in the last few years.  Most of the people apply serums.  Serums are mainly for two. Skincare and Hair Care.

  • Skin serums protect the skin from skin infections and give you glowing skin.
  • Hair Serums help to stop the hair fall and gives nourishment to the roots.

Serums Popularity in Our Nation

In India, there are various pharma companies which deal in derma range and offer medicines. But one big question arise? Are they offering quality, so to answer this We- Cosmederma remedies is specialized for Derma care products and offer the medicines in various formulations. As there are very few companies which offer serum range. But we deal in it and offer the quality to our esteem clients.

Our formulations are highly-effective and safe. The best part is all these made in under GMP&WHO Certified units. All are safe. The production work run under expert supervision, so you stay care-free as we are here for your skincare.

Our Serum range

  • Fazyl – Face Wash (Anti Acne Face Wash) – for its production we use natural herbs which Remove deep-rooted dirt and reduces skin inflammation and heals the skin. This Washes off the excessive oil from the skin pores and gives glowing and natural skin texture. As our product is the herbal base so id is a skin-friendly and no-side effect. This product you can also use at body wash.
  • Foligrow:- Well hair serums are hair repair therapy which prevents the hair fall and give good growth to your hair. This is a very effective product and you can see results in a couple of days. Now, this is a stylish tool to treat a number of hair concerns. It gives shine and life to your hairs. It is fragrant and easy to use. Apply on your scalp and keep it overnight. Next morning rinse it off. But we suggest you to apply it own. Take expert advice.
  • Yuvex :- It is an Anti-Ageing & Anti Wrinkle Serum. This product cleans the skin & eventually toxin-free. It helps to eliminate acne, blackheads & bumps and also reduces the pigmentation. Yuvex serum removes dryness of the skin and gives softness to your skin. This definitely gives you glowing skin.

Well, our serums are good in quality and effectiveness. The best part is all are available at affordable prices and you can get it nearby pharma or derma shops. We maintain the quality, that’s the reason for making balance and keeping the faith of the people.  For our product quality, you can trust us fully. As our products are checked in the quality department and after their clear certification only, products sent to the market for usage purpose.

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